You don't know JAC!

Dev CoP, Nov 24th

by Irina Muchnik

... but ... you are about to find out...

J. A. C.

stands for

Jenkins As Code.

Any questions?


A quick recap

  • First started by David Griesen and Dan Davis around May 2015
  • Dan did a Dev CoP talk in September
  • I joined the effort at the end of September
  • Vic and I are currently assigned to actively work on it



Guiding principles

1. Make it valuable 2. Make it easy 3. Make it fast 4. Make it pretty and always [YAGNI](, [DRY]( and [KISS](

So.. what's new?

  • We have contibuted to job-dsl project
  • Templates are gone
    It was fragile and brittle solution
  • Replaced by Groovy builders
    Solves our passing parameters problems
    no "hard-coded" jobs
    Less Jenkins pollution

Here is a simple example

``` import jenkins.automation.utils.SiteMonitorJobBuilder new SiteMonitorJobBuilder( name: "my-site-pulse-check", description: "Sample url pulse check job", cronSchedule: "@daily", urls: ["",""] ).build(this); ```

Slightly more involved example

``` import jenkins.automation.utils.JsJobBuilder String basePath = 'JsJobSamples' List developers = ['', ''] def repos = [ [name: 'jenkins-automation', url:""], [name: 'collab', url: ""] ] folder(basePath) {description 'This example shows how to create jobs using Job builders.'} new JsJobBuilder( name: "$basePath/MyProjectJavascriptJob", description: 'An example using a job builder for a Javascript build jobs project.', repos: repos, emails:developers, use_versions: true )git a .build(this) ```

Docs on builders and other useful stuff

Auto generated

From groovydoc comments

Like this:

How do you get started?

Starter repo

What's in the box
  • Automated Gradle Build
  • All nesessary dependencies
  • Directory structure
  • Examples
  • Test infrastructure and examples

So, what's next?

  • Continue developing builders and utilities
  • Move towards "one-click" automation
  • Port existing production orphan projects jobs

So, what's next? cont'd


Do I have more time?


Bonus slides?


Marc Esher has tried on Qu and he described the experience as

"Ejoyable! " "And Cool! " "And Fun! "

Thank you!
